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r lase
r lase
I love siwick lumber and havent visited there in a long time. Most of the staff was very attentive and seemed to care about my experience there. However when i tried to check out the woman working behind the counter was so rude. I had some lumber cut for me and was waiting to pay. She was very nice to all the men who approached the counter but completely ignored me as i stood before her to pay. ( i am a woman) she acted like i was not there with the exception of a few rude looks when i aatempted to talk to her. My friend who was with me even mentioned it. Finally a man who was sitting back by the computers came forward and helped me and treated me as i would expect to be treated as a customer. I think the other person is.a liability to your company. I almost walked out after waiting and waiting for her to even acknowledge my existence. I probably wont be back there agqin. She turned a pleasant interaction into a very unpleasant one. I guess she didnt think an old lady would leave a review.

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