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Sue Binney
Sue Binney
I have no idea how to quantify the value of this service - it is certainly far in excess of the fee! Working with the Cloud 9 team purely for strategy makes me focus on the opportunities that have previously slipped past me. We get so busy with the day to day running and growth in a business that the obvious is often hidden. It sure was with my business. 45+ staff and operating over three states meant a constant pressure for the answer for this moment's issues. Time with Jeannie secured that respite that was needed to see a better way and the result has been huge gains in profitability over 100% in under three months. Ecstatic with the outcome.
Reply from 2022.01.24
Thank you so much Sue. This is what gets me out of bed in the morning. And perhaps keeps me up at night lol. I love seeing our clients Thrive. Here's to more sucess. Up and onwards. And since we've partnered with Free to Shine, an organization that protects girls at risk from being trafficked into the commercial sex industry in Cambodia, we are donating a week of safety and education because of your positive review.

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