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Tommy M.
Tommy M.
Better than Fixie Socks Overall: We had a lot of trouble getting a ruby rails app connecting to an external database that required a static IP address. We tried Fixie Socks because they said they offered TCP support for databases but their implementation did not work for ruby database drivers. I spent an entire afternoon trying to get Fixie Socks to work with no luck. Once I switched over to Quotaguard I had my configuration working as expected within the hour. Pros: THe static IP proxy worked right away as intended. We had some issues figuring out some setup but that was more of a Heroku problem than anything else, as soon as we reached out to Quotaguard's support team we had our issues resolved within the hour. Cons: I would hope to find better documentation for database connections. When I googled how to connect a ruby rails app to a proxy for database connections the only results that came back were regarding HTTP connections and not TCP connections for databases.

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