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Beth Heaney
Beth Heaney
It’s not easy to change your thinking. Self improvement requires some hard work to grow. I connected with a coach from Black Sheep Thinking during some very trying times in my life, looking for validation and approval of decisions I needed to make. I did not get that. Instead, I was forced to look to myself to find resolution. I learned that it truly doesn’t matter what other people think of me. I was able to move out of fear and guilt based thinking, worrying and people pleasing. I don’t have to keep everyone happy, I need to be happy and comfortable with myself and who I am. As soon as I started looking within, a shift happened. I worried less about others opinions, I made decisions based on what felt right for me. It was me and my own thoughts getting in the way. I don’t need the approval of anyone to love and accept myself. It is easy to give unconditional love to others and now I have unconditional love for myself. I feel so much better about who I am and I’m grateful for the love support and guidance I was provided.

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