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Leah G
Leah G
I went into the clinic for bad knees and was literally sold a bill of goods (snake oil salesman) from the minute I walked in (bad on me for buying into it). I was told their method/procedure/treatment was designed to reverse the damage to my knees due to whatever the cause by taking my own stem cells, Platelet Rich Plasma, Alphja-2-Macroglobulin from my blood and reinjecting them into my knees, they would regenerate the cartilage (build new) thereby 'healing' the knee damage. First the good.....The facility is clean, most of the staff are great, very kind, welcoming, informative. Abel is a nice used car salesman who is really good at his job. Now the not so good....I elected to do both knees, yes that was my decision, after I was told by Abel about the AMAZING results of thousands of other patients, the cost for 1 knee-$8500 or just add the other at the same time for a total of $12000..... Oh by the way, its NON REFUNDABLE! Not my brightest moment! And so began the approx 8 month 'treatment plan' of going into the clinic every other week at first then once a month for a couple months then 2 months then 3 months. Each time, blood draw, spin down and reinject into each knee. These are painful 'treatments' that I had huge hope that they would at worst reduce my pain and at best provide the 'new' cartilage as it was 'sold' to me. Now the rest of the story..... Not only did all of the treatments provide ZERO REDUCTION IN PAIN, they actually INCREASED the pain due to the additional inflammation caused by the procedure of injecting a needle and liquid material, supposedly stem cells, into the joint and the procedures caused additional degradation of the joint thereby expediting the loss of what cartilage remained prior to the beginning of these treatments. My recommendation..... DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES GO TO QC KINETIX.

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