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Be very careful if you choose this therapy. QCK will sell you the hope that their procedures will effectively treat whatever's causing your joint discomfort and pain. I had tests done on my shoulder (X-ray, MRI) and asked the manager if they needed to see them. The manager said, No'. His answer astonished me. A clinician should gather as much information as possible in order to give patients the best possible therapy. The manager insisted that QCK determines success based on how the patient feels after treatment. In my situation, I had a rotator cuff injury along with a biceps tear. No amount of Injections of stem cells, growth factors, bone marrow derivatives, biologics were going to physically re-attach the tendon and biceps muscle that was torn away from the bone. To further illustrate my point, QCK cannot cite a convincing body of peer reviewed studies, retrospective or otherwise, with a sufficiently large number (N) of participants, that supports the efficacy of their therapeutic approach for rotator cuff tears and tendon ruptures. This type of therapy might be effective in another 10-20 years with continued improvements and the development of standardized protocols based on reproducible clinical results.

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