In order to remove the review, please report on the original platform as well!
Michael White
Michael White
Hey realtors I own hundreds of properties.... and have been getting hundreds of calls due to REDX. Do you know it is illegal to call a DNC number? Do you also know it is illegal for REDX to sell a phone number that is a DNC? It is illegal for any company to sell any phone numbers to any one. It can be a $10,000 fine per call. Go ahead I am reporting every call I get to the DNC. Hey REDX I see you repsonded. It is against the law to sell Phone numbers you should have a SANDS number and you guys should be scrubbing the DNC before you sell to realtors. Don't sell phone numbers that have DNC on them ....... period
Reply from 2021.05.27
Hi Michael, I'm sorry you've been getting unwanted calls. Please contact our office at 1-800-731-7339 ext.4 so we can remove any numbers associated with your properties.

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