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Michelle Rice
Michelle Rice
It’s been a journey with my knees I was in constant pain, the orthopedic doctor told me, “your knees are trashed, you need replacements, continue getting cortisone injections put off surgery as long as possible because I don’t know if you will be able to return to work afterwards”… about a year after that news, my cousin from out of state called me and told me about a visit he had with QC Kinetix, he is a huge skeptic he went to prove that it was snake oil… but after hearing what they had to say, he could not dispute the science, his call to me was simple I should be the Guinea pig for both of us (big sissy, lol). Well I made my appt. With QCKinetics of Dublin, Ohio. I should tell you I’m a 61 year old female, and I’m not a size two. So I knew I had a few things working against me, at the same time it’s hard to get in shape when you’re in so much constant pain. So my husband and I talked over options and we decided to think outside the box, and go for it. Signed on the dotted line, and I can honestly say this has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. That was about six months ago, during your treatment, you are not allowed to take ibuprofen, at this point I was taking 3 or 4 800mg a day of prescribed ibuprofen, just to be able to walk & move thru my day, and I was still in just so much pain, so giving up that medication was scary to me even tho I know it’s horrible for you. Looking back now I feel like I felt a difference in my pain level right away. By my third injection my knees were much better and the amazing thing is that so many months still feeling great. Now going up and down stairs I’m still slow but I’m working on it I think it’s more in my head than my legs kinda thing, if that makes sense. I started this journey in the spring, it’s fall now and I have noticed that my go to casual boots that are more like slippers than outer wear are not a good choice for me to wear if I’m going to be on my feet for very long but I can deal with that much more than the constant pain I was in, because those days are gone, I still do not (and will not) take any ibuprofen. I know I’m rambling on when all I really wanted to say is if you are having any kind of pain go talk to the great folks at QCKinetix, they are located all over but I feel like the one in Dublin, Ohio would be hard to beat they just have the best folks working there, they are all very friendly, knowledgeable, just a joy to be around, Delica and Kim are absolute rockstars in the no more pain game and they have given me my life back! How do you say thank you for that? Ladies you are amazing Thank you so very much!!! Michelle Rice
Reply from 2023.10.26
There's nothing better than a pain-free lifestyle, and we're pleased to know we were able to help you get there. Thank you for your feedback, Michelle! We appreciate you and are happy to help if you ever need anything else.

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