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This was my first time doing laser. And i went here to get a mole removed. When i went there the person who was doing just started the procedure without even explaning me anything and after its done all he kept on saying is you do not need to do anything the mole will fall off on its own in 2 days. But instead it became an infection with bleeding. I would never recommed this place. He made it worse and then i had to get a surgery to get it removed. Before doing the procedure he didnt even check the mole. He just started right away and without properly explaing to me wht he is doing. He just wanted to get the procedure done and move to next client. In response to your reply: You said you have called me when? Not even once i got a call from you asking how it is . And i can clearly say that you do not care for your customers. So please. Stop faking it here.
Reply from 2024.01.11
Hello Divya, We tried to reach out you to ask about your frustration. Regularly we remove keratosis and skin tags and all the clients are really satisfied, but regarding your issue, we appreciate if you call us in your convenience to find if there is any issue and be sure that we do our best to provide you any help, support or possible treatment if there is any problem. Thanks

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