WARNING! My experience at Medhair (Dr. Vedat Tosun) was far from satisfactory !!! Dear Fellow Patients, I trust this message finds you in good health. It is with a deep sense of responsibility that I share my recent and disheartening experience with Medhair regarding a hair transplant procedure. A significant aspect of my experience was the language barrier with Dr. Vedat Tosun, who does not speak English. Consequently, all interactions were through his non-MD assistant, Çetin Berkay. In addition to this, it became painfully clear after the initial meeting that despite a seemingly simple case and a healthy donor area, my implant lacked oversight. The team selected by the doctor was less than expected in technical terms. -Excessive Graft Extraction and Unethical Practices: * A surprisingly large number of hair grafts were unnecessarily extracted from my donor area during the Medhair procedure. * After being examined by another doctor in Europe, it was found that there had been excessive extraction of my donor area, indicating a clear disregard for ethical medical practices. * The examination revealed a stark incongruity between the number of grafts extracted and those implanted, with my entire donor area appearing to have been harvested without proper consideration. * The results strongly suggest that Dr. Vedat extracted my hair excessively without authorization, raising concerns about potential unauthorized use, possibly for implantation in other patients lacking a healthy donor area. * Such actions not only breach ethical standards but also represent a serious infringement on the well-being of patients and the broader medical community as a whole. -Reuse of Dropped Implant Pen: * Shockingly, during the surgery, a "technician" dropped the DHI implant pen on the operating room floor. The pen was simply picked up, sprayed with water, and reused, demonstrating a complete disregard for basic health and hygiene standards. * The surgery, performed by a "technician," resulted in a shockingly poor outcome. * The misshaped hairline and the omission of grafts on the top of my head have left a noticeable bald spot even after 01 year! -Lack of Oversight in Procedure: *Following the disastrous 5-hour MedHair surgery, the medical team, upon inspecting my head, was visibly shocked by the errors made by the "technician" selected by Dr. Vedat: a crooked forehead line, insufficient implant on the top of my head. *Faced with apathetic expressions, I realized I had made a regrettable choice, standing alone and unable to react in that delicate situation. *Dr. Vedat and his non-MD assistant, Çetin Berkay, could have altered the outcome if they had closely monitored the surgery or visited the operating room more frequently. Unfortunately, this was not the case, as the doctor's presence was limited to the beginning and end of the entire process. Photo 1 (2-3 months post-surgery): Neglected top area lacking new implants. Photo 2 (9+ months post-surgery): Continued weakness and lack of volume on the top, unchanged from pre-surgery. Photo 3 (1+ year post-surgery): Severe neglect, misaligned implant with a crooked hairline, and a disrupted natural forehead anatomy. Photo 4: Screenshot of a message exchange with assistant Çetin Berkay, explicitly acknowledging significant deviations from minimum satisfaction and safety standards. ( I want to emphasize strongly that my purpose here is to share MY EXPERIENCE, and this message is solely intended to provide INFORMATION about what transpired inside the Medhair hospital, and nothing beyond that.) I genuinely hope that those in pursuit of a secure and professional solution find exactly that, sparing themselves from the difficulties I personally faced.

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