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Siarhei Vasilyeu
Siarhei Vasilyeu
My family (5) have chosen Sobirovs for our ICT visa application, and now we confidently recommend them! Right from the start you will be assigned a special team within their firm who will be busy with your plans, needs and documents. The process is organized very efficiently, what is crucial when you run your own business on your side. Once the documents submitted to IRCC, the pre-submission team entrust your case to post-submission group, who monitor the progress and keep you constantly updated what's going on with the case. As a result, our ICT application was approved in just several weeks from submission, just wooow. Thank you and thumbs up for Monique, Mariam, Owen, Madina, and Ms. Feruza who was our lead lawyer. Sobirovs is your smart choice, they know how to do the rest.
Reply from 2024.02.07
Dear Siarhei, Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience with Sobirovs! We're thrilled to hear that you and your family found our ICT visa application process to be efficient and well-organized. It's our top priority to ensure that every client receives personalized attention from a dedicated team, and we're glad that this approach made a positive difference in your case. Congratulations on the approval of your ICT application, and we're just as excited as you are about the swift turnaround time! Your kind words for Monique, Mariam, Owen, Madina, and Ms. Feruza are greatly appreciated, and we'll make sure to pass along your thanks to them. They, along with the rest of our team, work hard to provide the best possible service, and it's wonderful to know their efforts have been recognized. Thank you for recommending Sobirovs and for considering us your smart choice. We're here to help with any future needs and look forward to assisting you again. Yours sincerely, Sobirovs Law Firm team

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