Lakeview Dental Care of Cherry Hill

Lakeview Dental Care of Cherry Hill

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Anne Smith
Anne Smith
BE WARNED: Do you think it's a little strange this place only has three negative reviews? I left a five-star review when I was a new patient. Why? Because I was offered a discount to do so. Ethical? No, but they were nice & it was a good place in 2020. I removed my review on my own after a revolving door of staff and unpleasant experiences. I wasn't comfortable leaving the initial review anyway because it just felt coerced but again, they seemed nice. I have stacks of receipts- probably a bit shy of $20K out of pocket for two implants, crowns, major work etc. Realizing that we were no longer getting the same people twice, we started to look for a new dentist. In the meantime, another dentist came in after a cleaning and completely trashed the work that the other dentist did on a very expensive lengthy crown procedure. I was stunned that she was saying it in front of me but it all had to be redone. The staff acted like they were doing me a favor by not charging me lol. There was no apology for my time. No apology for having to come back for a string of inconvenient appointments. Even still, I took that and stride as mistakes happen. It was an inconvenience but I tried to understand that it was simply an unintentional failed job. So fortunately we found another dentist and had no lapse in care. 2 years after getting implants that cost about as much as a new car, one failed miserably. At least a car would honor a warranty. The supposed warranty? That doesn't exist. I've emailed and called and they have ghosted me for over a month now. I take perfect care of my teeth but it was very telling when my now dentist who has to redo one of the implants was taking pictures with his phone because he had never seen what was done to my mouth. He seemed stunned. Just a very sloppy job that cost a fortune and absolutely no reply when I reached out to get resolution. My guess is that they will reply here saying that I wasn't a patient or that I didn't follow up... At that point, I'll add photos of the stacks of receipts I have. I have every last receipt from my first visit to my last visit. Cleanings four times a year, two implants, multiple fillings, crowns... You name it. Please note that I do not leave negative reviews. It takes an awful lot to make me come to a public forum to leave a negative review. I removed my positive review on my own. As nice as some of them were up at the desk, it was beyond bizarre & uncomfortable to stand there while two of them argued in front of you. However, you have to warn people. This is your hard-earned money being taken. They've had multiple opportunities to speak to me and offer to make this right but they went ghost instead. So this review will stay. If I can say anything positive about this place, it's Nicole the hygienist. She's wonderful. I get my teeth cleaned every 3 months and I always tried to get her but you never got the same dentist. By the end, I really didn't like the dentist who worked on the days Nicole did. Just a terrible bedside manner. We were paying way too much money for what we received when there are so many options out there. As far as all of the good reviews, please know that I was given a discount by someone named Rob in 2020 to leave at 5-star review. I don't even know if that is legal but it is unequivocally true. If you want real reviews, go to Glassdoor and see what the employees present and past have to say about working there. It's far different from what you read here. The Yelp reviews are a little more accurate as well. Again, it was once a good place but please heed this warning.
Reply from 2024.04.09
Anne, I am sorry that you have not had the excellent patient experience during our temporary closure as we operate as best as possible from other locations. Our Manager of Operations, Chris, is working from our Marlton location and has left you a voicemail to address your concerns on how we can repair this situation.

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