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Andrew M
Andrew M
A stunning opportunity to get fantastic photos of majestic Birds of Prey The birds of prey photography experience was purchased as a present for myself after some heavy hinting following attending an excellent experience with Alistair and his birds during a picnic in the park last year. I had photographed animals and birds in a mostly stationary manor previously, so was excited to not only get up close and personal with some magnificent birds of prey, but also to have to chance to learn how to photograph them in action. The day was well organised by both Alistair and Steve in a secluded spot within the beautiful Thorsby estate. Starting with a brief introduction and some recommended camera settings from Steve, we started easy (relatively) with static portrait shots and slow flying owls. It was clear from the get go that both Alistair and Steve know their stuff, with Alistair giving fascinating information about the birds he has such a clear passion for and Steve advising the best angles to set up shots from. The woodland location really adds to the photos of the portrait shots, giving a more natural feel, rather than the perches you would expect to see. Alistair and Steve were also conscious to pick locations that hides any tracking wires/harnesses, so this was also appreciated for a photography day. After giving us ample opportunity with various locations of the flying owls within the woodland, we ventured into the walled garden, which was another great location for photography! I have never seen a melanistic barn owl before, so this was a treat, but the oranges of the walled garden accentuated the colours of bird so such a great choice. During our time in the walled garden we were also reminded why Thorsby is such a good location - a wild red kite and buzzards flew over our heads! It is worth remembering that animals and children are amongst the most difficult subjects to photograph due to their unpredictability and their tendency for ignoring instructions, however, it is clear Alistair is well experienced and has such a unique bond and there was always plenty of opportunity to get a great photo. Following our lunch break, we moved onto fast moving birds like falcons. Personally, I found this more challenging - not helped by the change of lighting conditions thanks to the good old British weather, however, I still came away with some good tips from Steve and a couple of photos that I liked. Overall, I had such a great day and I would recommend this experience to anyone who has an interest in bird photography or birds of prey in general. It has taken me a while to go through all the photos but friends and family are impressed with the results and hopefully I will be able to return in future with different conditions (winter/autumn) for what I am sure would be an equally awesome day.

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