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A mesmerizing day of bird of prey photography I was bought a bird of prey photography session with Hawkeye Falconry. I can completely recommend booking with them. alistair and Steve were superb throughout the day. Once everyone had arrived, there was a quick run through of the planned birds for the day and typical camera settings to use. Then it was straight into photographing the first bird of the day. Alistair was really good with explaining about the birds we were photographing and Steve was ever present helping out where help was needed. I had some lens issues early on but switched to a trusty long lens that played ball. To be honest, if none of the shots had turned out, I wouldn't have been upset because the experience of being around the birds was enough to make the day. I shot just shy of 1000 frames during the day which gave me around 400 that were worthy of post processing. I wouldn't have got the hawk shots without Steves voice over my shoulder calmly telling me when the best time to track and focus was before shooting a short burst of frames. We will be heading back again later in the year for another shoot as long as it doesn't get booked up before I have written this review. Thanks for an unforgettable day!

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