Lauren Osborne

Lauren Osborne

1 reviews

Review of Solar Mosaic Inc
Lauren Osborne
Lauren Osborne
Unethical - Buyer Beware We are a solar contractor and have been in business for 15 years. We have been referring our customers to Mosaic for over 5 years. We do not profit from our referrals; they are done in good faith to help our homeowner customers. Mosaic recently charged my company 19% fees for two solar projects we completed that were quoted to us on 10/22/2022 to have 0% fees do to the interest rate being 6.99%. They claimed to have informed us via email of the upcoming changes. We did not receive the email nor agreed to charge our customers a 19% fee for a 6.99% 12YR loan. This is a classic bait-and-switch tactic, and they have now taken $12,264.04 of our hard-earned money. Mosaic should be ashamed of themselves and are not an honest or professional company to do business with. #solarenergy #badbusiness #unethical #california