Spencer Hill

Spencer Hill

1 reviews

Spencer Hill
Spencer Hill
United Kingdom | 2023.06.07
The best decision I ever made …… After realising I couldn’t cope with or change my behavioural patterns I decided to seek help. Call it fate or call it chance but my research in finding help led me to Villa Paradiso and Mr Matthew Idle, the very first meeting I had with Matt changed my life, because I knew right there and then that I had found the right place and the right therapist. 4 years later I am telling you that to this day entering Villa Paradiso and “surrendering” to Matt and the NA programme remains the best decision I have ever made!!! Not only because of my time in the Villa but also because of the aftercare provided I am now a sponsor helping other addicts and host a weekly international meeting for all existing and previous Villa Paradiso clients, words could never truly express my gratitude to Matt and the team at Villa Paradiso for enabling me to live a life beyond my wildest dreams so I simply “keep it simple” and ensure I give back to others what I was so whole heartedly given ……. And that is to share the fact that there is HOPE for each and everyone of suffering from the disease of addiction and other mental health issues!!