Sirin G.

Sirin G.

2 reviews

Review of Prairie Petals
United States | 2023.04.15
Unprofessional AF When I placed my very first order with this company on Etsy, they sent me an arrangement that was entirely damaged. My arrangement was packaged poorly which explains the roses all being chipped & crushed. All of the rose petals were all over the entire box. Also, there was an entire roses that was ripped out & I later found it underneath the arrangement when I pulled it out of the brown shipping box. I decided to give this company a second chance by placing an order directly from their website thinking that they would make things right by ensuring that they carefully prepare my arrangement. However, they once again failed to do that unfortunately. My second arrangement arrived in a much worse condition than the first arrangement that I received from them. This second arrangement was even more damaged & there was a huge indentation / slit right in the middle of my arrangement. This was caused from the flaps of their customized company box with their logo on it. They were so careless that they didn’t even place bubble wrap or a protective film directly on top of the roses which would’ve prevent the flaps from creating that huge crease & separation down the middle of my arrangement. Also, they clearly didn’t have any care or love when making this arrangement for me because the white roses of my evil eye arrangement has blue spray paint splattered all over them. I have attached photos which reflects my review. Highly unacceptable & unprofessional company that obviously lacks care, love, professionalism & thought when it comes to preparing customer’s arrangements & very poor packaging skills. Absolutely terrible. I do not recommend this business at all.

More reviews from Sirin G.
Sirin G.
Sirin G.
United States | 2023.10.05
BOTCHED, EXTREME BREATHING TROUBLES & A WHOLE LOT OF ASYMMETRY! On February 11, 2021 I had a rhinoplasty / septorhinoplasty & turbinoplasty done at Bellevue Hospital with Dr. Patrick Cleveland. Bedside manners & professionalism is great. Also, I had little to no pain & barely any swelling. However, my breathing has not improved by much. Also, my nose looks botched due to many asymmetrical areas that I never had before. My nose used to be a bit long & droopy. Also, there was a bump on the nasal bridge. The droopy look & bump on the nasal bridge is removed. However, it's as if the bump that was on my nasal bridge shifted to the left & right side of my nose because right now, there is a bump on both sides of my upper nasal bridge. There is also a lot of asymmetry at the nasal tip. My ala (outer wings of nose), the nostrils & columella (the cartilage "wall" that separates both nostrils) are not even at all. Beyond disappointed & seriously wasn't looking for another revision rhinoplasty as this wasn't an easy surgery at all. Considering what I went through in the beginning when the cast was still on my nose & the fact that it takes up to a year to be fully healed is not something I was looking forward to go through again for the second time. I wasn't expecting a 100% improvement in my breathing or the physical appearance of it but I was expecting at least a 75% improvement. I believe that's a fair & realistic expectation. I also didn't expect my nose to look perfect even though, of course I was hoping that it would end up looking close to perfect after a year of my nose being fully healed or at least, getting there. But a perfect nose is unnecessary & wasn't really my priority. My breathing is more important to me than how it looks. But I also wasn't expecting a crooked, uneven nose with one too many asymmetry issues from the tip to the top of my nose. Now, I'm struggling to find someone who is experienced or even willing to fix my current problem created by Dr. Cleveland. I asked Dr. Cleveland a question via a private message on social media & all I got in return was, "Seen." Meaning, that my message was seen & left ignored, intentionally. I say that it was intentional because I actually waited a few weeks before determining that he ignored me. I gave him some time because I figured he was super busy because the majority of healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, medical assistants) are. I'm a medical assistant / receptionist so I definitely do understand. But leaving me on "Seen" with no intent of getting back to me is NEVER ok. You're my surgeon who performed a 5+ hour surgery on my face. The least you could do is have some decency & respond back, even if it's going to be weeks later. It was already bad enough that you moved to Florida during my healing process but to completely ignore me when I reach out to you is highly unprofessional & seriously unacceptable. I highly recommend for everyone to think twice before letting this man touch your nose. You'll most likely end up with a botched nose with ongoing breathing difficulties & lots of asymmetry that you never had before. I'd leave half a star if I could but let the 1 star of this review go towards his positive & professional attitude prior to my surgery. This positive & professional attitude of his changed after several months of doing surgery on me. I clearly had the wrong impression of him in the beginning though. Never ever be quick to leave a 5 star rating or review right after your surgery just because the doctor was nice or polite or seemed to really care in the beginning. Make sure to leave a sincere review at least a year after you're all healed up.