Jasmine Soler

Jasmine Soler

1 reviews

Review of Solar Mosaic Inc
Jasmine Soler
Jasmine Soler
United States | 2024.05.07
Stay Away at All Costs Earlier this year, I purchased a home that had solar panels financed by Mosaic. In Feb of 2024, I was approved to assume the loan from the seller and signed everything I needed to. The seller never signed their part, so Mosaic cancelled the loan assumption. I was not made aware that Mosaic was having difficulties getting a hold of the seller nor was I told that anything else needed to happen in order for me to assume the loan. Since the loan was still in the seller’s name, it became delinquent. I finally got a hold of the seller and told them to contact Mosaic. The seller brought the loan current and told me Mosaic would be calling me to start the process over again. They never called me. I called them last week, and they told me I have to apply again resulting in another hard hit on my credit. I applied and this time I was denied because of delinquent payments. They use equifax and experien. I verified with both bureaus that I do not have any delinquent payments on my credit report. I called their underwriting office and tried to offer to send my official credit reports so they can see that I do not have any delinquent payments. I think they are counting the seller’s delinquent payment(s) against me that occurred during the loan assumption process. This is unfair as the loan was never in my name. I’ve called several times and requested to speak to a manager twice. I also emailed both of their email addresses twice. I have not gotten any response. When I brought my concern to them last week, they talked in circles, blamed the seller, and then told me to reapply in 30 days (which another hit on my credit). I don’t have any delinquent payments on my credit report, so I am not sure what they are expecting to change in 30 days. I was also told that they were doing soft hits but they are not. So far, I have not been able to assume the loan for the solar panels that are on my house. They refuse to remove the panels or remove the lien even though they are not in my name. I am not sure what else to do anymore besides leave as many reviews as I can.