David Bondeson

David Bondeson

1 reviews

David Bondeson
David Bondeson
Australia | 2024.01.24
Ai ecosystems are not good to deal with I bought a scooter late last year for my sons birthday and had to take it back 3 months later because it stopped working and the bars where it meets the frame was wobbly. The guy at canningvale was good to deal with and fixed all problems but didn't tighten the bolts properly and my son had a big accident because the bars started moving but the front wheel would move in the opposite direction to the bars. I took the scooter back and the guy was very apologetic and replaced the scooter that day. Now I took the new scooter for a ride and all the bars came loose on this new scooter in a 10km ride I took it on so I took the scooter back again but to Osborne Park this time and instantly the owner was very rude and when I said it was your company an employee,s neglect that has caused all this he just kept saying prove it and even started saying that the bolts can't come loose so someone has loosened them on purpose after I received the scooter and repeatedthis a number of times. Well I know that no one has touched this scooter since I picked it up so he was just trying to create a fake narrative to cover his arse which made me very angry and I would advise anyone that is going to deal with this company to not bother because the owner is a scumbag and they sell products that are obviously not assembled correctly and could seriously hurt someone.