Jad Saghir

Jad Saghir

1 reviews

Review of eDreams
Jad Saghir
Jad Saghir
Netherlands | 2024.08.19
Terrible experience, never again A Terrible Experience with eDreams - Never Again! I’ve been a Prime member with eDreams, but that didn’t mean anything when I needed help. The entire experience was a disaster. Despite paying for a Prime membership, I was met with terrible communication and unprofessional customer service. Some representatives were even rude and threatening, which almost ruined my entire vacation. The supervisors weren’t any better—they were either unavailable or didn’t seem to care about fixing their own mistakes. Here’s what happened during this summer vacation: I used the eDreams app to book a room for myself, my son, and my 17-year-old daughter. The app said that a "child" is anyone aged 0-18, so I booked a room that looked perfect for the three of us. But then the hotel called and informed me that, according to their rules, a "child" is only someone under 11, making the room I booked unsuitable. To make matters worse, the booking was non-refundable. I was really upset, and the hotel said this was eDreams' fault. Despite being a Prime member, when I called eDreams for help, they simply told me not to worry and that they’d sort it out. Three days later, nothing had happened. I called again, and they said the issue was "urgent" and that they’d contact me within 24 hours. That never happened. Every time I called, I got the same excuse from a different person. As my vacation got closer, I became more and more stressed. I had already booked my flights, but now I had nowhere to stay. After a week of speaking to nearly nine different people, the so-called "team" was still working on it. With just one week left before my flight, I was desperate and still had no solution. Six days before my flight, I demanded they fix this immediately. Again, they told me it was "urgent" and that I’d hear back within 24 hours—but no one ever called. Out of options, I called the hotel directly. They offered to upgrade the room to fit three people for an extra fee per night, but it was more than I could afford. I told eDreams about this option, hoping they would cover the extra cost since it was their mistake, and I had paid for Prime membership to avoid this kind of stress. Three days before my flight, eDreams finally called me back, but all they offered was a refund, saying that was my only option. By this point, booking a new hotel would cost a lot more than before. When I suggested that they pay the extra fee the hotel was charging, the person I spoke to was shockingly rude. He acted like the whole situation was my fault for booking the room in the first place. Despite being a Prime member, he even threatened me, saying that if I didn’t take the refund, all records would be deleted, and I’d get nothing. The way he spoke to me was unprofessional and aggressive. I was so upset and felt I had no choice but to accept the refund. Luckily, the hotel was understanding and gave me a better rate, though I still had to pay extra. For the three weeks leading up to my flight, I was constantly stressed, thinking my vacation was ruined, and feeling like there was nothing I could do. I’ve always booked my flights with eDreams without any issues, but this was my first and last time booking a hotel through them. Being a Prime member didn’t make any difference in how I was treated. I strongly recommend being very careful with eDreams. One mistake—even if it’s not your fault—can lead to major problems that they might not fix in time. And if you’ve paid for Prime membership, don’t expect it to make a difference if things go wrong.

Date of experience: 01 August, 2024