Jeff Eck-London

Jeff Eck-London

1 reviews

Review of Mercari U.S.
Jeff Eck-London
Jeff Eck-London
United States | 2024.09.05
Precious Metals (gold & silver) Against Policy My silver coin listings on the Mercari app were removed for being a “Prohibited Item”. “Precious metals”, in accordance with their policy. I find this highly discriminatory because they are not removing the other THOUSANDS of silver and gold content listings on their app (like jewelry, coins, etc). HOW ON EARTH CAN THEY ALLOW THOUSANDS TO POST THE SAME STUFF AND ONLY REMOVE MINE (and a few select others)? I think their “policy” is a bunch of crap when it comes to this category. Every other site I know of allows this category, so people naturally presume that they do to. That’s why they HAVE THOUSANDS OF LISTINGS in this category. But to selectively enforce their “policy” is a ridiculous abomination! Either they need to figure out a way to do it across the board, or SIT BACK AND LET IT HAPPEN (or change the policy). These items aren’t hurting anybody and besides, do they have ANY IDEA of the HUGE amount of transactions they’re collecting fees from? That’s why they don’t really want to fix it. Cause if they did, it would’ve been fixed a long time ago. From the programming side of things it’s not difficult, unless they just have an inadequate IT department. It’s all about THE BENJAMINS SILVER AND GOLD SELLERS GENERATE FOR THEIR COMPANY! That’s why it stays the way it is. Our sales bring in BIG DOLLARS, and that’s a fact. If their company doesn’t like it THAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! But in the mean time LEAVE MY STUFF, and others in this category, ALONE AND PUT MY LISTINGS BACK UNTIL THEY DO! I think they should reinstate my listings until they can fairly enforce their policies (which they’re either incapable of or don’t want to do, cause look at all the listings … are they crazy!). IT’S NOT FAIR! Not even close. They apparently just want be hard on their “policy” without regard to the fairness to their users. Just goes to prove that for some reason they care more about their policy being a POLICY and THE MONEY THESE LISTINGS BRING IN than their sellers being happy.