Daniel Noble

Daniel Noble

1 reviews

Daniel Noble
Daniel Noble
Australia | 2023.04.14
Booked a service and was told it would be done that day. Got a call the following day that the guy would be there in 30 minutes. 5 out 5 stars to Phil the service technician, he was thorough in his identification of the issue and apologized that he could not get the unit going. I'm happy with his service and outlines the problem. Next day the office sends me a quote for $4100 to replace the entire unit. Not sure of the costing as I can buy the quoted replacement unit for $1990. The quote states they will use all existing piping and electrical and dispose of the old unit. I ring two installers that are will to do the install for $700 for a total of $2690. Once again thanks Phil I could see you are passionate and good at what you do. As for the quote from sales/service I will be going elsewhere thanks.