

1 reviews

United States | 2024.04.05
Unprofessional and insensitive instructor Although the class was informative, the instructor along with a fellow EMT in the class were very unprofessional and insensitive when discussing their experiences with patients in front of the class. Laughing and joking around about how much Narcan they’ve had to use on a patient “who was foaming at the mouth”, joking about how moms will never admit their child is an addict yet those moms are ones who carry Narcan, and on and on for 15 minutes while the class was sitting there waiting to take the test. After the test, I went up front and addressed my concerns to the instructor about how making light of an overdose was insensitive and joking around wasn’t acceptable, but he didn’t want to hear it, was in denial about the way he acted and missed the point I was trying to get across to him. No compassion whatsoever. What a jerk!

Date of experience: 04 April, 2024