

1 reviews

Please avoid bad instructors ( BULLIES ) Well, going with regards the reviews on this website (which I now feel most of them will certainly be coming from fake accounts ), one will think Mr Haseeb is the best instructor in Sharjah BUT I'M SORRY that will be the worst mistake you will ever make as a student if you ever consider taking him as an instructor, as that was also something i did and i still have regrets because i wasted a lot of money before opting out for another instructor ( Mr Ashfaq Abdul )..... From my first class to the last, he went from one insults to another, racially profiling me, bullying me, reminding me that I'm from Africa and he never likes to teach Africans, multiple times. Traumatized me emotionally and psychologically. Told me to not ask questions and only do what he says and when i ask questions he starts shouting and will stay quiet for the rest of the class. Always comes at least 15-20mins late and will end 10 to 15 minutes early. If I argue with him ( mostly because he wasn't respecting the contract, he will sit on his cell phone the whole time without talking to me. Makes me wait under the scorching sun for more than 1hr 15mins and when i call to ask if he will be coming for the class or not, he will tell me he forgot about my class (A class he set up just the previous day at the end of first class ). Got to a point where if i fail, i don't even think about the money I wasted but I start immediately thinking on how i have to put up with him all over again and as a result, I failed Assessment Exam once and Final Twice. So I asked for a change of instructor, just for my sanity and trust me, that was the beginning of my freedom. With Mr Ashfaq Abdul, I found peace, respect, compassion and a conducive environment to study. The best FIVE CLASSES I ever had in my driving license pursue. Hence, I passed my FINAL in just the first trial with Mr Ashfaq. MY GREATEST REGRETS WAS NOT REPORTING TO THE POLICE. I will never recommend anyone to a heartless person like Mr Haseeb, at least certainly not an African because he is a racist. And YES, Mr Haseeb, with the help and tuition from Mr ASHFAQ ABDUL, I now have a driving license. I hope you change from your evil ways because KARMA is a BITCH...