Jo Anne Baruch

Jo Anne Baruch

1 reviews

Jo Anne Baruch
Jo Anne Baruch
United States | 2024.01.26
THIS IS NOT THE KIND MAN YOU THINK HE IS IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG! Do you want this doctor to work on you? Do you want the front of your nose to be tender, moveable, and shifting? Do you want to be frightened you might accidentally have anything touch it? Do you ever want to be able to blow your nose normally again? Do you want to have your intimacy affected? Do you want heavy scabbing, burning, oozing, throbbing, and crusting around your nose like a child? Do you want to GET a deviated septum? Do you want your doctor to count his years of experience to include his residency? Do you want your doctor to be annoyed when you call three in between appointments when you are frightened about what is happening to your nose? Do you want your doctor to blame your depression for seeing these things? My history: I have suffered from Major Depressives Disorder since I was 16 years old. There was not a thing which would make me happy about anything at that time. I knew people who had previous surgeries done by Dr Norman Pastorek. So, in 1995 I decided to have a rhinoplasty. I hoped it would help me with my self esteem. It did not. Nothing would have. However, I could certainly recognize he gave me the most incredible, imperfect, perfect nose for my face. I did not even realize what an improvement he made until I was shown my before pictures. Fast forward 24 years. My life is getting better at 59. I now enjoy what I see in the mirror, putting on makeup, getting dressed and going out. A whole new life. However, In the mirror I noticed my nose was changing. I thought I must be missing collagen, so I went to Dr Caberra who is an excellent plastic surgeon. He informed me I was not missing collogen. I was missing cartilage. He could fix my crooked bridge but he would not be able to fix my tip. Why? Because the skin around my tip was too thin. He also said I would need a surgeon whose specialty is repairing damaged tips. I visited seven other excellent plastic surgeons who all concurred. They wished me good luck and sent me on my way. This surgery was personal for me. It was not for anyone else. I was 59 already. I deserved time at this age to get back the time I lost. It was strictly personal. No one noticed my old nose. Now it is undeniably noticeable. Why did I choose Dr Patrick Cleveland? Because he was trained by Dr Pastorek! My idol! All my common sense flew out of my head. I thought I found a younger version of Dr Pastorek. I should have called New York first. I was a fool. Why would this inexperienced doctor think he was more capable of performing this type of immensely difficult revision when eight other established doctors sent me away? Because he is not ethical. He should have said, “he was not Dr Pastorek yet,” and sent me on my way as they did. I was an experiment for his career advancement. If he succeeded with this surgery his career would skyrocket. This would show he was able to accomplish what other more accomplished surgeons could not at his early age. I returned to his office 8 months after the surgery as I was freaking out by then. Finally, he acknowledged there was a problem with my nose and admitted he would need to do a revision. I wrote a letter to him describing my disgust with him and his work. He said he was pleased with the work he had done and would post my 8 month photos. I told him to go right ahead and reminded him it was at 8 months he said he would need to do revision. He did not do a one year follow up. Telling, isn’t it? A review of him was found on Yelp, NYC by Sirinderella G when he had a brief practice in NYC. The review was written on May 24th, 2022. Her surgery was in October of 2021. My surgery was done in September 2022. We spoke to each other. Her surgery ran longer than it should have as mine did. He Jekylled and Hyded her as he did to me. Then he slivered out of NYC to PBC. Do you want this doctor to work on you?

Date of experience: 01 September, 2022