Jana Lane

Jana Lane

United States
Jana Lane
Jana Lane
United States | 2024.08.01
Horrible Experience I received treatments on both my knees beginning last October 2023. My experience was going well, and I had high hopes of avoiding knee replacement surgery. My treatment consisted of a series of 5 injections on each knee. On the last injection, the physician assistant hit a tendon, nerve, etc. creating extreme pain. Within 4 days my knee had swollen to the size of my head. That's when the nightmare began. No one from QC Kinetix would return urgent calls for advice or help. After enduring the pain for 3 days, my husband and neighbors were able to load me in the vehicle to visit urgent care. After two trips to urgent care within a 10-day period, I was able to obtain an appointment with an orthopedic specialist that also practices PRP treatments. Once they x-rayed my knee, they determined that I was not a qualified candidate for PRP treatments. They explained that my knees were bone on bone with no existing cartilage. PRP only regenerates cartilage if there is existing cartilage, it does not grow cartilage where none exist. If QC Kinetix had properly vetted me with initial diagnostics, it would have been apparent that their process world does not benefit me. QC Kinetix is a high-pressure sales business practice that recommends treatment on the first visit. They claim to help 82% of the patients they treat. Perhaps if they did the diagnostic x-rays prior to treating, the other 18% could be spared the intense pain and suffering I experienced. While the staff at QC Kinetix, Powell, TN were nice, the owner absolutely could not have cared less. After numerous attempts to personally share my experience, he simply said "sorry". I felt totally abandoned by QC Kinetix. Do your own research prior to walking in the door at QC Kinetix. They had me sign an iPad contract financing my treatment at an interest rate exceeding 32%, and did not provide any copies of the agreement. I recently had total knee replacement surgery. The QC Kinetix plan only complicated my issues further. If you wish to try this route, please don't make the mistake I made. Visit a valid orthopedic specialist and get the necessary diagnostics to determine if you qualify for PRP. QC Kinetix is a storefront franchise business practicing high-pressure sales tactics. Complete money grab without any follow up when things go wrong. Absolutely no accountability. Don't let their ads fool you. They did not offer me a pain free experience. I experienced more pain with their process than the total knee replacement surgery. I would never recommend their services. BEWARE!!

Date of experience: 05 March, 2024