Adam Ross-Nunez

Adam Ross-Nunez

United States
Review of Modern Family Law
Adam Ross-Nunez
Adam Ross-Nunez
United States | 2023.09.14
Please adhere to this review before choosing this firm Please adhere to this warning before you decide to say yes to this firm!!!! The upfront call is light and accepting and you think your best interest is #1 one but by the 3rd or 4th billing cycle you will quickly realize it's all about the buck at this place. $3,000 is the retainer which acts like a security deposit and as long as there is no outstanding balance you get that back (STILL WAITING on that but it's been a few days since the attorney removed herself from my case so that's fair). 6months into a divorce and custody case, and mind you the divorce is not being contested by either side, we arrived at temporary orders that have still not allowed me to see my daughter or my animal. I repeat $20,000+ in the hole into this firm and we're no where close to being done with the matter. If we're rating on personality this firm gets high praise for that but as far as navigating in a court room to get results, that's where the buck stops. Attorney Clare Mattione was cordial and nice but every performance in the court room (3 separate occasions/$20,000+ dollars later) still no result. Lackluster, under motivated, and novice is the description I would describe my experience as having her as my counsel. By the 3rd month in I raised questions about the billing and why charges for weekly meetings for 3 people were being charged to me, and the answer was "for all members on the team to be current with what's happening with your case." 6 Months and nothing I mean NOTHING has changed in any case let alone enough to have weekly meetings about me every other week. Between $450-$1,000 is charged every 2 weeks like clock work and NOTHING has changed or advanced in my case, so you can understand my reason for questioning. Then when an email would come in with question I would naturally respond without hesitation...Billing time came and $190-$300 per email and $30-$100 per text message was also billed unto me...Yes, upset. (GRANTED, it does state in the agreement for the both email and text you will be charged) However I gave binders of information in the upfront to circumvent that process. When it seemed as though Ms.Mattione was supplying questions for no reason and only to clarify something we previously discussed I made sure to voice my concerns again about the way billing was occurring and begged for my own counsel to not email or text me again in FEAR OF BEING BILLED FOR HER ASKING QUESTIONS. I was told to allow her to do her job to her ability. Her ability had me interjecting while speaking with the judge at a hearing because she found what I had to say unimportant. HER CLIENT WHO"S PAID HER over $20,000+ and nothing has changed. Per our phone conversation I was emotional and mad to say the least in the matter and yelled at her about the lackluster argument that was anything but that and she proceeded to hang up the phone and TEXT ME THAT SHE"S WITHDRAWING FROM MY CASE because I yelled at her on the phone. Clearly ego, and feelings were hurt but someone who abandons you with no regard of their actions is juvenile. 9 months and I haven't seen my 10 month year old daughter or my service animal, in a divorce that is uncontested is beyond gut wrenching and stressful. To give away $20,000+ to an attorney who wouldn't dare say she earned it by any means is worse. Single father fighting for his little girl and someone doesn't see motivation in that should be your answer picking or not picking this Law firm. I ask you to ask around other attorney's if $20,000+ in an uncontested divorce that's not even close to being finished is normal. No dividing of assets or division of property either, and the ex-wife committed adultery mind you, why is it taking so much money??? Then look at the reviews and see if you see any praises to Attorney Clare Mattione. If you need proof I'm willing to show you invoices telling the truth! Don't fall for the $3,000 dollar retainer that sounds nice but you won't get what you pay for here.